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eTdB is a freely contributed database on which you will find concise and precise information about experimental techniques in the fields of Biophysics and Soft-Condensed Matter.

You will find here descriptions of all kinds of experimental techniques ranging from simple protocols to high cost instruments.
The purpose of this database is to give you an overview of each technique as well as a starting point for you to use it. It is an implementation oriented database that will provide not only basic principles and application of each technique but also a list of needed material, potential providers, and comments from users.

In addition you will find names and addresses of contacts to help you start building up or using the technique.
You can also contribute to the database by creating an entry for your preferred techniques. It does not take more than 30 minutes to fill out and it saves a lot of efforts to anyone starting in the field.

In addition it is a good way to value your work through citations or potential collaborations.


Reminder: this site is not a commercial site. All forms will be examined before publication online. They cannot be used as advertisement for a commercial product.